Source code for discrete_optimization.rcpsp_multiskill.fast_function_ms_rcpsp

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import numba.typed
import numba.types
import numpy as np
from numba import njit

int_array = numba.types.Array(numba.types.int_, 1, "C")

[docs] @njit def sgs_fast_ms( permutation_task, # permutation_task=array(task)->task index priority_worker_per_task, # array(task, worker) modes_array, # modes=array(task)->0, 1... consumption_array, # consumption_array=array3D(task, mode, res), skills_needs, # array(task, mode, skill) duration_array, # array(task, mode) -> d predecessors, # array(task, task) -> bool successors, # array(task, task)->bool horizon, # int ressource_available, # array(res, times)->int ressource_renewable, # array(res)->bool worker_available, # array(workers, int)->bool worker_skills, # array(workers, skills)->int minimum_starting_time_array, one_unit_per_task: bool = True, ): activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False new_horizon = horizon resource_avail_in_time = {} worker_avail_in_time = np.copy(worker_available) for index in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): resource_avail_in_time[index] = np.copy( ressource_available[index][: new_horizon + 1] ) minimum_starting_time = {} for act in range(permutation_task.shape[0]): minimum_starting_time[act] = minimum_starting_time_array[act] skills_usage = {} done = 0 nb_task = permutation_task.shape[0] pred_links = np.sum(predecessors, axis=1) done_np = np.zeros((permutation_task.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) while done < nb_task and not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: act_id = 0 for i in range(nb_task): if ( pred_links[permutation_task[i]] == 0 and done_np[permutation_task[i]] == 0 ): act_id = permutation_task[i] break current_min_time = minimum_starting_time[act_id] valid = False while not valid: valid = True end_time = current_min_time + duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] for t in range(current_min_time, end_time): for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if t < new_horizon: if ( resource_avail_in_time[res][t] < consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] ): valid = False current_min_time = t break else: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break if not valid: break if valid: skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] if end_time - current_min_time > 0 and np.max(skills) > 0: indexes_present_worker = np.array( [ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i] for i in range(worker_avail_in_time.shape[0]) if np.min( worker_avail_in_time[ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i], current_min_time:end_time, ] ) > 0 ] ) if one_unit_per_task: indexes_present_worker = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker if np.all(worker_skills[i, :] >= skills) ] ) if len(indexes_present_worker) > 0: available_skills_t = np.sum( worker_skills[indexes_present_worker, :], axis=0 ) if ( np.min( available_skills_t - skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) < 0 ): valid = False else: valid = False if not valid: current_min_time += 1 if current_min_time > horizon: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: end_t = current_min_time + duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if ressource_renewable[res]: resource_avail_in_time[res][ current_min_time:end_t ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] else: resource_avail_in_time[res][current_min_time:] -= consumption_array[ act_id, modes_array[act_id], res ] if resource_avail_in_time[res][horizon] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] skills_done = np.zeros((skills.shape[0])) skills_usage_i = np.zeros( (worker_avail_in_time.shape[0], skills_needs.shape[2]) ) used = [0] if np.max(skills) > 0: while True: score = [ np.sum(worker_skills[p, :] * ((skills - skills_done) > 0)) for p in indexes_present_worker ] sort = [ indexes_present_worker[p] for p in np.argsort(-np.array(score)) if indexes_present_worker[p] not in used[1:] ] j = sort[0] nz = np.nonzero(worker_skills[j, :] * skills > 0)[0] if len(nz) > 0: for nnz in nz: skills_usage_i[j, nnz] = 1 skills_done[nnz] += worker_skills[j, nnz] worker_avail_in_time[j, current_min_time:end_t] = 0 used += [j] if np.all(skills_done >= skills): break if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: break activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t done_np[act_id] = 1 skills_usage[act_id] = skills_usage_i done += 1 for s in range(successors.shape[1]): if successors[act_id, s] == 1: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( int(minimum_starting_time[s]), int(activity_end_times[act_id]) ) pred_links[s] -= 1 rcpsp_schedule = {} for act_id in activity_end_times: rcpsp_schedule[act_id] = ( activity_end_times[act_id] - duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]], activity_end_times[act_id], ) return rcpsp_schedule, skills_usage, unfeasible_non_renewable_resources
[docs] @njit def sgs_fast_ms_partial_schedule( permutation_task, # permutation_task=array(task)->task index priority_worker_per_task, # array(task, worker) modes_array, # modes=array(task)->0, 1... scheduled_task_indicator, # array(task)->bool scheduled_start_task_times, # array(task)->int scheduled_end_task_times, # array(task)->int worker_used, # array(task, worker)->bool current_time, # int consumption_array, # consumption_array=array3D(task, mode, res), skills_needs, # array(task, mode, skill) duration_array, # array(task, mode) -> d predecessors, # array(task, task) -> bool successors, # array(task, task)->bool horizon, # int ressource_available, # array(res, times)->int ressource_renewable, # array(res)->bool worker_available, # array(workers, int)->bool worker_skills, # array(workers, skills)->int minimum_starting_time_array, one_unit_per_task: bool = True, ): activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False new_horizon = horizon resource_avail_in_time = {} worker_avail_in_time = np.copy(worker_available) for index in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): resource_avail_in_time[index] = np.copy( ressource_available[index][: new_horizon + 1] ) minimum_starting_time = {} for act in range(permutation_task.shape[0]): minimum_starting_time[act] = max(current_time, minimum_starting_time_array[act]) skills_usage = {} done = 0 nb_task = permutation_task.shape[0] pred_links = np.sum(predecessors, axis=1) done_np = np.zeros((permutation_task.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) rcpsp_schedule = {} for t in range(nb_task): if scheduled_task_indicator[t] != 0: rcpsp_schedule[t] = ( scheduled_start_task_times[t], scheduled_end_task_times[t], ) for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if ressource_renewable[res]: resource_avail_in_time[res][ int(scheduled_start_task_times[t]) : int( scheduled_end_task_times[t] ) ] -= consumption_array[t, modes_array[t], res] else: resource_avail_in_time[res][ scheduled_end_task_times[t] : ] -= consumption_array[t, modes_array[t], res] if resource_avail_in_time[res][-1] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break activity_end_times[t] = scheduled_end_task_times[t] if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: break for s in range(successors.shape[1]): if successors[t, s] == 1: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( int(minimum_starting_time[s]), int(activity_end_times[t]) ) pred_links[s] -= 1 done += 1 done_np[t] = 1 skills_act_id = np.zeros( (worker_avail_in_time.shape[0], skills_needs.shape[2]) ) # nz[0] : nb_preemptive, nz[1] workers # Assign workers : skills = skills_needs[t, modes_array[t]] if np.max(skills) > 0: wused = worker_used[t, :] nz = np.nonzero(wused) skills_done = np.zeros((skills.shape[0])) for w in nz[0]: skills_worker = np.nonzero(worker_skills[w, :] * skills > 0)[0] if len(skills_worker) > 0: for s in skills_worker: skills_act_id[w, s] = 1 skills_done[s] += worker_skills[w, s] worker_avail_in_time[ w, int(scheduled_start_task_times[t]) : int( scheduled_end_task_times[t] ), ] = 0 if np.all(skills_done > skills): break skills_usage[t] = skills_act_id while done < nb_task and not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: act_id = 0 for i in range(nb_task): if ( pred_links[permutation_task[i]] == 0 and done_np[permutation_task[i]] == 0 ): act_id = permutation_task[i] break current_min_time = minimum_starting_time[act_id] valid = False while not valid: valid = True end_time = current_min_time + duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] for t in range(current_min_time, end_time): for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if t < new_horizon: if ( resource_avail_in_time[res][t] < consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] ): valid = False current_min_time = t break else: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break if not valid: break if valid: skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] if end_time - current_min_time > 0 and np.max(skills) > 0: indexes_present_worker = np.array( [ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i] for i in range(worker_avail_in_time.shape[0]) if np.min( worker_avail_in_time[ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i], current_min_time:end_time, ] ) > 0 ] ) if one_unit_per_task: indexes_present_worker = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker if np.all(worker_skills[i, :] >= skills) ] ) if len(indexes_present_worker) > 0: available_skills_t = np.sum( worker_skills[indexes_present_worker, :], axis=0 ) if ( np.min( available_skills_t - skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) < 0 ): valid = False else: valid = False if not valid: current_min_time += 1 if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: end_t = current_min_time + duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if ressource_renewable[res]: resource_avail_in_time[res][ current_min_time:end_t ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] else: resource_avail_in_time[res][current_min_time:] -= consumption_array[ act_id, modes_array[act_id], res ] if resource_avail_in_time[res][-1] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] skills_done = np.zeros((skills.shape[0])) skills_usage_i = np.zeros( (worker_avail_in_time.shape[0], skills_needs.shape[2]) ) if np.max(skills) > 0: for employee in indexes_present_worker: nz = np.nonzero(worker_skills[employee, :] * skills > 0)[0] if len(nz) > 0: for nnz in nz: skills_usage_i[employee, nnz] = 1 skills_done[nnz] += worker_skills[employee, nnz] worker_avail_in_time[employee, current_min_time:end_t] = 0 if np.all(skills_done >= skills): break if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: break activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t done_np[act_id] = 1 skills_usage[act_id] = skills_usage_i done += 1 for s in range(successors.shape[1]): if successors[act_id, s] == 1: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( int(minimum_starting_time[s]), int(activity_end_times[act_id]) ) pred_links[s] -= 1 for act_id in activity_end_times: rcpsp_schedule[act_id] = ( activity_end_times[act_id] - duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]], activity_end_times[act_id], ) return rcpsp_schedule, skills_usage, unfeasible_non_renewable_resources
[docs] @njit def sgs_fast_ms_preemptive( permutation_task, # permutation_task=array(task)->task index priority_worker_per_task, # array(task, worker) modes_array, # permutation_task=array(task)->task index consumption_array, # modes = array(task) -> 0, 1... # consumption_array=array3D(task, mode, res), skills_needs, duration_array, preemptive_tag, # array(task)->bool predecessors, # array(task, task) -> bool successors, # array(task, task)->bool horizon, ressource_available, ressource_renewable, worker_available, # array(workers, int)->bool worker_skills, # array(workers, skills)->int minimum_starting_time_array, is_releasable, # [task, mode, res]-> bool one_unit_per_task: bool = True, consider_partial_preemptive: bool = False, strictly_disjunctive_subtasks: bool = False, ): # array(res)->bool activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_sched = False new_horizon = horizon resource_avail_in_time = {} starts_dict = numba.typed.Dict.empty( key_type=numba.types.intp, value_type=int_array, ) ends_dict = numba.typed.Dict.empty( key_type=numba.types.intp, value_type=int_array, ) for index in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): resource_avail_in_time[index] = np.copy( ressource_available[index][: new_horizon + 1] ) worker_avail_in_time = np.copy(worker_available) minimum_starting_time = {} for act in range(permutation_task.shape[0]): minimum_starting_time[act] = minimum_starting_time_array[act] done = 0 nb_task = permutation_task.shape[0] pred_links = np.sum(predecessors, axis=1) done_np = np.zeros((permutation_task.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) done_duration = np.zeros((permutation_task.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) skills_usage = {} worker_usage = np.zeros((worker_skills.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) while done < nb_task and not unfeasible_sched: act_id = 0 for i in range(nb_task): if ( pred_links[permutation_task[i]] == 0 and done_np[permutation_task[i]] == 0 ): act_id = permutation_task[i] break current_min_time = int(minimum_starting_time[act_id]) valid = False starts = [] ends = [] workers_av = [] skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] need_worker = np.max(skills) > 0 unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False while not valid: valid = True reached_t = None reached_end = True if duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] == 0: starts.append(current_min_time) ends.append(current_min_time) done_duration[act_id] = 0 else: for t in range( current_min_time, current_min_time + duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] - done_duration[act_id], ): if need_worker: if t == current_min_time: indexes_present_worker_t = np.array( [ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i] for i in range(priority_worker_per_task.shape[1]) if worker_avail_in_time[ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i], current_min_time, ] > 0 ] ) if one_unit_per_task: indexes_present_worker_t = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker_t if np.all( worker_skills[i, :] >= skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) ] ) if len(indexes_present_worker_t) > 0: available_skills_t = np.sum( worker_skills[indexes_present_worker_t, :], axis=0 ) if ( np.min( available_skills_t - skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) < 0 ): reached_end = False break else: reached_end = False break else: indexes_present_worker_next_t = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker_t if worker_avail_in_time[i, t] > 0 ] ) if one_unit_per_task: indexes_present_worker_next_t = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker_next_t if np.all( worker_skills[i, :] >= skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) ] ) if len(indexes_present_worker_next_t) > 0: available_skills_tt = np.sum( worker_skills[indexes_present_worker_next_t, :], axis=0, ) if ( np.min( available_skills_tt - skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) < 0 ): reached_end = False break else: indexes_present_worker_t = ( indexes_present_worker_next_t ) else: reached_end = False break if t >= new_horizon: reached_end = False unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True unfeasible_sched = True break for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if t < new_horizon: if ( resource_avail_in_time[res][t] < consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] ): reached_end = False break else: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True unfeasible_sched = True break if reached_end: reached_t = t else: break if ( reached_t is not None and preemptive_tag[act_id] == 1 and ( True or reached_t + 1 - current_min_time >= duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] / 8 or reached_end ) ): starts.append(current_min_time) ends.append(reached_t + 1) workers_av.append(indexes_present_worker_t) done_duration[act_id] += ends[-1] - starts[-1] if reached_end and preemptive_tag[act_id] == 0: starts.append(current_min_time) ends.append(reached_t + 1) workers_av.append(indexes_present_worker_t) done_duration[act_id] += ends[-1] - starts[-1] valid = ( done_duration[act_id] == duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) if not valid: if strictly_disjunctive_subtasks: current_min_time = ( reached_t + 2 if reached_t is not None else current_min_time + 1 ) else: current_min_time = ( reached_t + 1 if reached_t is not None else current_min_time + 1 ) if current_min_time >= new_horizon: return None, None, None, True if consider_partial_preemptive and len(starts) > 0: to_break = False for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] > 0: if is_releasable[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] == 0: if ( min( [ resource_avail_in_time[res][p] for p in range(starts[0], ends[-1]) if ressource_available[res][p] > 0 ] ) < consumption_array[ act_id, modes_array[act_id], res ] ): indexes = [ p for p in range(starts[0], ends[-1]) if ressource_available[res][p] > 0 and resource_avail_in_time[res][p] < consumption_array[ act_id, modes_array[act_id], res ] ] minimum_starting_time[act_id] = indexes[-1] + 1 done_duration[ act_id ] = 0 # a bit conservative here. to_break = True unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break if to_break: break if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: end_t = ends[-1] skills_act_id = np.zeros( (len(starts), worker_avail_in_time.shape[0], skills_needs.shape[2]) ) for i in range(len(starts)): for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if ressource_renewable[res]: if ( consider_partial_preemptive and is_releasable[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] == 0 ): if i == 0: for p in range(starts[i], ends[-1]): if ressource_available[res][p] > 0: resource_avail_in_time[res][ p ] -= consumption_array[ act_id, modes_array[act_id], res ] if ( np.min( resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts[i] : ends[-1] ] ) < 0 ): unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True unfeasible_sched = True break else: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts[i] : ends[i] ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] else: if i == 0: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts[i] : ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] if resource_avail_in_time[res][-1] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] skills_done = np.zeros((skills.shape[0])) if need_worker and duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] > 0: used = [0] while True: score = [ np.sum(worker_skills[p, :] * ((skills - skills_done) > 0)) for p in workers_av[i] ] sort = [ workers_av[i][p] for p in np.argsort(-np.array(score)) if workers_av[i][p] not in used[1:] ] j = sort[0] nz = np.nonzero(worker_skills[j, :] * skills > 0)[0] if len(nz) > 0: for nnz in nz: skills_act_id[i, j, nnz] = 1 skills_done[nnz] += worker_skills[j, nnz] worker_avail_in_time[j, starts[i] : ends[i]] = 0 used += [j] if np.all(skills_done >= skills): break for w in used[1:]: worker_usage[w] += ends[i] - starts[i] if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: break activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t starts_dict[act_id] = np.array(starts, dtype=np.int_) ends_dict[act_id] = np.array(ends, dtype=np.int_) skills_usage[act_id] = skills_act_id done_np[act_id] = 1 done += 1 for s in range(successors.shape[1]): if successors[act_id, s] == 1: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( int(minimum_starting_time[s]), int(activity_end_times[act_id]) ) pred_links[s] -= 1 return starts_dict, ends_dict, skills_usage, unfeasible_sched
[docs] @njit def sgs_fast_ms_preemptive_some_special_constraints( permutation_task, # permutation_task=array(task)->task index priority_worker_per_task, # array(task, worker) modes_array, # modes = array(task) -> 0, 1... consumption_array, # consumption_array=array3D(task, mode, res), skills_needs, duration_array, preemptive_tag, # array(task)->bool predecessors, # array(task, task) -> bool successors, # array(task, task)->bool start_at_end_plus_offset, # array(N, 3) -> (task1, task2, offset) start_after_nunit, # array(N, 3) -> (task1, task2, offset) horizon, ressource_available, ressource_renewable, worker_available, # array(workers, int)->bool worker_skills, # array(workers, skills)->int minimum_starting_time_array, is_releasable, # [task, mode, res]-> bool one_unit_per_task: bool = True, consider_partial_preemptive: bool = False, strictly_disjunctive_subtasks: bool = False, ): # array(res)->bool activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False new_horizon = horizon resource_avail_in_time = {} starts_dict = numba.typed.Dict.empty( key_type=numba.types.intp, value_type=int_array, ) ends_dict = numba.typed.Dict.empty( key_type=numba.types.intp, value_type=int_array, ) for index in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): resource_avail_in_time[index] = np.copy( ressource_available[index][: new_horizon + 1] ) worker_avail_in_time = np.copy(worker_available) minimum_starting_time = {} for act in range(permutation_task.shape[0]): minimum_starting_time[act] = minimum_starting_time_array[act] done = 0 nb_task = permutation_task.shape[0] pred_links = np.sum(predecessors, axis=1) done_np = np.zeros((permutation_task.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) done_duration = np.zeros((permutation_task.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) start_after_nunit_links = np.zeros(nb_task) for task in range(nb_task): start_after_nunit_links[task] = np.sum(start_after_nunit[:, 1] == task) start_at_end_plus_offset_links = np.zeros(nb_task) for task in range(nb_task): start_at_end_plus_offset_links[task] = np.sum( start_at_end_plus_offset[:, 1] == task ) skills_usage = {} worker_usage = np.zeros((worker_skills.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) while done < nb_task and not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: act_id = 0 for i in range(nb_task): if ( pred_links[permutation_task[i]] == 0 and done_np[permutation_task[i]] == 0 and start_after_nunit_links[permutation_task[i]] == 0 and start_at_end_plus_offset_links[permutation_task[i]] == 0 ): act_id = permutation_task[i] break current_min_time = int(minimum_starting_time[act_id]) valid = False starts = [] ends = [] workers_av = [] skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] need_worker = np.max(skills) > 0 while not valid: valid = True reached_t = None reached_end = True if duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] == 0: starts.append(current_min_time) ends.append(current_min_time) done_duration[act_id] = 0 else: for t in range( current_min_time, current_min_time + duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] - done_duration[act_id], ): if t >= new_horizon: reached_end = False unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break if need_worker: if t == current_min_time: indexes_present_worker_t = np.array( [ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i] for i in range(priority_worker_per_task.shape[1]) if worker_avail_in_time[ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i], current_min_time, ] > 0 ] ) if one_unit_per_task: indexes_present_worker_t = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker_t if np.all( worker_skills[i, :] >= skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) ] ) if len(indexes_present_worker_t) > 0: available_skills_t = np.sum( worker_skills[indexes_present_worker_t, :], axis=0 ) if ( np.min( available_skills_t - skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) < 0 ): reached_end = False break else: reached_end = False break else: indexes_present_worker_next_t = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker_t if worker_avail_in_time[i, t] > 0 ] ) if one_unit_per_task: indexes_present_worker_next_t = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker_next_t if np.all( worker_skills[i, :] >= skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) ] ) if len(indexes_present_worker_next_t) > 0: available_skills_tt = np.sum( worker_skills[indexes_present_worker_next_t, :], axis=0, ) if ( np.min( available_skills_tt - skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) < 0 ): reached_end = False break else: indexes_present_worker_t = ( indexes_present_worker_next_t ) else: reached_end = False break for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if t < new_horizon: if ( resource_avail_in_time[res][t] < consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] ): reached_end = False break else: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break if reached_end: reached_t = t else: break if reached_t is not None and preemptive_tag[act_id]: starts.append(current_min_time) ends.append(reached_t + 1) workers_av.append(indexes_present_worker_t) done_duration[act_id] += ends[-1] - starts[-1] if reached_end and not preemptive_tag[act_id]: starts.append(current_min_time) ends.append(reached_t + 1) workers_av.append(indexes_present_worker_t) done_duration[act_id] += ends[-1] - starts[-1] valid = ( done_duration[act_id] == duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) if not valid: if strictly_disjunctive_subtasks: current_min_time = ( reached_t + 2 if reached_t is not None else current_min_time + 1 ) else: current_min_time = ( reached_t + 1 if reached_t is not None else current_min_time + 1 ) if current_min_time >= new_horizon: return None, None, None, True if valid and consider_partial_preemptive: for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] > 0: if is_releasable[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] == 0: if ( np.min( ressource_available[res][starts[0] : ends[-1]] ) < consumption_array[ act_id, modes_array[act_id], res ] ): unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True minimum_starting_time[act_id] = ends[ -1 ] # a bit conservative here. if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: break if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: end_t = ends[-1] skills_act_id = np.zeros( (len(starts), worker_avail_in_time.shape[0], skills_needs.shape[2]) ) for i in range(len(starts)): for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if ressource_renewable[res]: if ( consider_partial_preemptive and not is_releasable[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] ): if i == 0: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts[i] : ends[-1] ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] else: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts[i] : ends[i] ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] else: if i == 0: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts[i] : ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] if resource_avail_in_time[res][-1] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] skills_done = np.zeros((skills.shape[0])) if need_worker and duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] > 0: used = [0] sort = [ workers_av[i][p] for p in np.argsort(worker_usage[workers_av[i]]) ] for j in sort: nz = np.nonzero(worker_skills[j, :] * skills > 0)[0] if len(nz) > 0: for nnz in nz: skills_act_id[i, j, nnz] = 1 skills_done[nnz] += worker_skills[j, nnz] worker_avail_in_time[j, starts[i] : ends[i]] = 0 used += [j] if np.all(skills_done >= skills): break for w in used[1:]: worker_usage[w] += ends[i] - starts[i] if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: break activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t starts_dict[act_id] = np.array(starts, dtype=np.int_) ends_dict[act_id] = np.array(ends, dtype=np.int_) skills_usage[act_id] = skills_act_id done_np[act_id] = 1 done += 1 for s in range(successors.shape[1]): if successors[act_id, s] == 1: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( int(minimum_starting_time[s]), int(activity_end_times[act_id]) ) pred_links[s] -= 1 for t in range(start_after_nunit.shape[0]): if start_after_nunit[t, 0] == act_id: task = start_after_nunit[t, 1] off = start_after_nunit[t, 2] minimum_starting_time[task] = max( int(minimum_starting_time[task]), starts_dict[act_id][0] + off ) start_after_nunit_links[task] -= 1 for t in range(start_at_end_plus_offset.shape[0]): if start_at_end_plus_offset[t, 0] == act_id: task = start_at_end_plus_offset[t, 1] off = start_at_end_plus_offset[t, 2] minimum_starting_time[task] = max( int(minimum_starting_time[task]), activity_end_times[act_id] + off, ) start_at_end_plus_offset_links[task] -= 1 return starts_dict, ends_dict, skills_usage, unfeasible_non_renewable_resources
[docs] @njit def sgs_fast_ms_preemptive_partial_schedule( permutation_task, # permutation_task=array(task)->task index priority_worker_per_task, # array(task, worker) modes_array, # modes=array(task)->0, 1... scheduled_task_indicator, # array(task)->bool scheduled_start_task_times, # array(task, nb_preemptive)->int scheduled_end_task_times, # array(task, nb_preemptive)->int nb_subparts, # array(task) -> int worker_used, # array(task, nb_preemptive, worker)->bool current_time, # int consumption_array, skills_needs, duration_array, preemptive_tag, # array(task)->bool predecessors, # array(task, task) -> bool successors, # array(task, task)->bool horizon, ressource_available, ressource_renewable, worker_available, # array(workers, int)->bool worker_skills, # array(workers, skills)->int minimum_starting_time_array, is_releasable, # [task, mode, res]-> bool one_unit_per_task: bool = True, consider_partial_preemptive: bool = False, ): # array(res)->bool activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False new_horizon = horizon resource_avail_in_time = {} starts_dict = numba.typed.Dict.empty( key_type=numba.types.intp, value_type=int_array, ) ends_dict = numba.typed.Dict.empty( key_type=numba.types.intp, value_type=int_array, ) for index in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): resource_avail_in_time[index] = np.copy( ressource_available[index][: new_horizon + 1] ) worker_avail_in_time = np.copy(worker_available) minimum_starting_time = {} for act in range(permutation_task.shape[0]): minimum_starting_time[act] = max(current_time, minimum_starting_time_array[act]) skills_usage = {} done = 0 nb_task = permutation_task.shape[0] pred_links = np.sum(predecessors, axis=1) done_np = np.zeros((permutation_task.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) for t in range(nb_task): if scheduled_task_indicator[t] != 0: starts_dict[t] = scheduled_start_task_times[t, : nb_subparts[t]] ends_dict[t] = scheduled_end_task_times[t, : nb_subparts[t]] for j in range(starts_dict[t].shape[0]): for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if ressource_renewable[res]: if ( consider_partial_preemptive and not is_releasable[t, modes_array[t], res] ): if j == 0: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts_dict[t][j] : ends_dict[t][-1] ] -= consumption_array[t, modes_array[t], res] else: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts_dict[t][j] : ends_dict[t][j] ] -= consumption_array[t, modes_array[t], res] else: if j == starts_dict[t].shape[0] - 1: resource_avail_in_time[res][ ends_dict[t][j] : ] -= consumption_array[t, modes_array[t], res] if resource_avail_in_time[res][-1] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break activity_end_times[t] = ends_dict[t][-1] if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: break for s in range(successors.shape[1]): if successors[t, s] == 1: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( int(minimum_starting_time[s]), int(activity_end_times[t]) ) pred_links[s] -= 1 done += 1 done_np[t] = 1 skills_act_id = np.zeros( ( starts_dict[t].shape[0], worker_avail_in_time.shape[0], skills_needs.shape[2], ) ) # nz[0] : nb_preemptive, nz[1] workers # Assign workers : skills = skills_needs[t, modes_array[t]] if np.max(skills) > 0: wused = worker_used[t, :, :] nz = np.nonzero(wused) skills_done = np.zeros((skills.shape[0])) for i, j in zip(nz[0], nz[1]): skills_worker = np.nonzero(worker_skills[j, :] * skills > 0)[0] if len(skills_worker) > 0: for s in skills_worker: skills_act_id[i, j, s] = 1 skills_done[s] += worker_skills[j, s] worker_avail_in_time[j, starts_dict[t][i] : ends_dict[t][i]] = 0 if np.all(skills_done > skills): break done_duration = np.zeros((permutation_task.shape[0]), dtype=np.int_) while done < nb_task and not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: act_id = 0 for i in range(nb_task): if ( pred_links[permutation_task[i]] == 0 and done_np[permutation_task[i]] == 0 ): act_id = permutation_task[i] break current_min_time = int(minimum_starting_time[act_id]) valid = False starts = [] ends = [] workers_av = [] skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] need_worker = np.max(skills) > 0 while not valid: valid = True reached_t = None reached_end = True if duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] == 0: starts.append(current_min_time) ends.append(current_min_time) done_duration[act_id] = 0 else: for t in range( current_min_time, current_min_time + duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] - done_duration[act_id], ): if need_worker: if t == current_min_time: indexes_present_worker_t = np.array( [ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i] for i in range(priority_worker_per_task.shape[1]) if worker_avail_in_time[ priority_worker_per_task[act_id, i], current_min_time, ] > 0 ] ) if one_unit_per_task: indexes_present_worker_t = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker_t if np.all( worker_skills[i, :] >= skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) ] ) if len(indexes_present_worker_t) > 0: available_skills_t = np.sum( worker_skills[indexes_present_worker_t, :], axis=0 ) if ( np.min( available_skills_t - skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) < 0 ): reached_end = False break else: reached_end = False break else: indexes_present_worker_next_t = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker_t if worker_avail_in_time[i, t] > 0 ] ) if one_unit_per_task: indexes_present_worker_next_t = np.array( [ i for i in indexes_present_worker_next_t if np.all( worker_skills[i, :] >= skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) ] ) if len(indexes_present_worker_next_t) > 0: available_skills_tt = np.sum( worker_skills[indexes_present_worker_next_t, :], axis=0, ) if ( np.min( available_skills_tt - skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) < 0 ): reached_end = False break else: indexes_present_worker_t = ( indexes_present_worker_next_t ) else: reached_end = False break if t >= new_horizon: reached_end = False unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if t < new_horizon: if ( resource_avail_in_time[res][t] < consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] ): reached_end = False break else: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break if reached_end: reached_t = t else: break if reached_t is not None and preemptive_tag[act_id]: starts.append(current_min_time) ends.append(reached_t + 1) workers_av.append(indexes_present_worker_t) done_duration[act_id] += ends[-1] - starts[-1] if reached_end and not preemptive_tag[act_id]: starts.append(current_min_time) ends.append(reached_t + 1) workers_av.append(indexes_present_worker_t) done_duration[act_id] += ends[-1] - starts[-1] valid = ( done_duration[act_id] == duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] ) if not valid: current_min_time = ( reached_t + 2 if reached_t is not None else current_min_time + 1 ) if valid and consider_partial_preemptive: for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] > 0: if not is_releasable[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res]: if ( np.min( ressource_available[res][starts[0] : ends[-1]] ) < consumption_array[ act_id, modes_array[act_id], res ] ): unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True minimum_starting_time[act_id] = ends[ -1 ] # a bit conservative here. if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: end_t = ends[-1] skills_act_id = np.zeros( (len(starts), worker_avail_in_time.shape[0], skills_needs.shape[2]) ) for i in range(len(starts)): for res in range(ressource_available.shape[0]): if ressource_renewable[res]: if ( consider_partial_preemptive and not is_releasable[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] ): if i == 0: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts[i] : ends[-1] ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] else: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts[i] : ends[i] ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] else: if i == 0: resource_avail_in_time[res][ starts[i] : ] -= consumption_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id], res] if resource_avail_in_time[res][-1] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True break skills = skills_needs[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] skills_done = np.zeros((skills.shape[0])) if need_worker and duration_array[act_id, modes_array[act_id]] > 0: for j in workers_av[i]: nz = np.nonzero(worker_skills[j, :] * skills > 0)[0] if len(nz) > 0: for nnz in nz: skills_act_id[i, j, nnz] = 1 skills_done[nnz] += worker_skills[j, nnz] worker_avail_in_time[j, starts[i] : ends[i]] = 0 if np.all(skills_done >= skills): break if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: break activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t starts_dict[act_id] = np.array(starts, dtype=np.int_) ends_dict[act_id] = np.array(ends, dtype=np.int_) skills_usage[act_id] = skills_act_id done_np[act_id] = 1 done += 1 for s in range(successors.shape[1]): if successors[act_id, s] == 1: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( int(minimum_starting_time[s]), int(activity_end_times[act_id]) ) pred_links[s] -= 1 return starts_dict, ends_dict, skills_usage, unfeasible_non_renewable_resources