Minizinc 2.6+
You need to install minizinc (version greater than 2.6) and update the PATH
environment variable
so that it can be found by Python.
See minizinc documentation for more details.
Tip: You can easily install minizinc from the command line, which can be useful when on cloud. In order to make life easier to cloud users, we reproduce below the necessary lines. Please be careful that this is not an official documentation for minizinc and that the following lines can stop working without notice as we do not test them automatically.
Linux command line
On a Linux distribution, you can use the bundled minizinc AppImage.
If FUSE is available:
mkdir minizinc_install
curl -o minizinc_install/minizinc -L
chmod +x minizinc_install/minizinc
export PATH="$(pwd)/minizinc_install/":$PATH
minizinc --version
Else, this is still possible by extracting the files:
mkdir minizinc_install
cd minizinc_install
curl -o minizinc.AppImage -L
chmod +x minizinc.AppImage
./minizinc.AppImage --appimage-extract
cd ..
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)/minizinc_install/squashfs-root/usr/lib/":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH="$(pwd)/minizinc_install/squashfs-root/usr/bin/":$PATH
minizinc --version
MacOs command line
mkdir minizinc_install
curl -o minizinc.dmg -L
hdiutil attach minizinc.dmg
cp -R /Volumes/MiniZinc*/ minizinc_install/.
export PATH="$(pwd)/minizinc_install/":$PATH
minizinc --version
Windows command line
Works on Windows Server 2022 with bash shell:
mkdir minizinc_install
curl -o minizinc_setup.exe -L
cmd //c "minizinc_setup.exe /verysilent /currentuser /norestart /suppressmsgboxes /sp"
export PATH="~/AppData/Local/Programs/MiniZinc":$PATH
minizinc --version
Skipping minizinc version check
It may happen that you need to use only a part of the library which is not relying on minizinc at all, and that you do not want to install minzinc. This can be troublesome as the minizinc binary version is checked at library import. We provide a way to bypass this check by setting the environment variable DO_SKIP_MZN_CHECK:
Please note however that the library is never tested without minizinc (or minizinc versions < 2.6). Most modules related to solvers will fail to be imported without minizinc as they are heavily relying on it.
Python 3.7+ environment
The use of a virtual environment is recommended, and you will need to ensure that the environment use a Python version greater than 3.7. This can be achieved for instance either by using conda or by using pyenv (or pyenv-win on windows) and venv module.
The following examples show how to create a virtual environment with Python version 3.8.13 with the mentioned methods.
With conda (all platforms)
conda create -n do-env python=3.8.13
conda activate do-env
With pyenv + venv (Linux/MacOS)
pyenv install 3.8.13
pyenv shell 3.8.13
python -m venv do-venv
source do-venv/bin/activate
With pyenv-win + venv (Windows)
pyenv install 3.8.13
pyenv shell 3.8.13
python -m venv do-venv
Gurobi [optional]
Optionally, install gurobi with its python binding (gurobipy) and an appropriate license, if you want to try solvers that make use of gurobi. The version of gurobi must be at least 9.0.
NB: If you just do
pip install gurobipy
, you get a minimal license which does not allow to use it on “real” models.
Pip install discrete-optimization library
Install discrete-optimization from pip:
pip install discrete-optimization