Source code for discrete_optimization.rcpsp.rcpsp_solution

#  Copyright (c) 2023 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import (
    annotations,  # make annotations be considered as string by default

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Hashable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from numpy import typing as npt

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import RobustProblem, Solution

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # avoid circular imports due to annotations
    from discrete_optimization.rcpsp.rcpsp_model import RCPSPModel

[docs] class TaskDetails: def __init__(self, start: int, end: int): self.start = start self.end = end
[docs] class RCPSPSolution(Solution): """Solution to RCPSPModel problems. Attributes: problem: RCPSP problem for which this is a solution rcpsp_permutation: Tasks permutation. rcpsp_schedule: Tasks schedule. ( task -> "start_time" or "end_time" -> time) Potentially only partial if not feasible with given permutation, or for aggregated models. rcpsp_modes: Mode used for each task. Same order as `problem.tasks_list_non_dummy`. rcpsp_schedule_feasible: False if schedule generation from permutation failed, True else. standardised_permutation: Permutation deduced uniquely from schedule. Can be different from `rcpsp_permutation` as different permutations can lead to same schedule. fast: boolean indicating if we us the fast functions to generate schedule from permutation. Args: problem: RCPSP problem for which this is a solution rcpsp_permutation: Tasks permutation. If given and schedule not given, used to reconstruct the schedule. if not given, deduced from schedule. If not given and schedule not given, it is set to `problem.fixed_permutation` rcpsp_schedule: Tasks schedule. ( task -> "start_time" or "end_time" -> time) If given used to construct `standardised_permutation`. If given and `rcpsp_permutation` not given, used to construct `rcpsp_permutation`. If given and `rcpsp_permutation` given, no consistency check. If not given, deduced from `rcpsp_permutation` if possible. If not possible, `rcpsp_schedule_feasible` set to False and `rcpsp_schedule` set to a partially filled schedule. In case of `Aggreg_RCPSPModel`, kept empty. rcpsp_modes: Mode used for each task. Same order as `problem.tasks_list_non_dummy`. If not given we use `problem.fixed_modes` if existing, else 1 for each task. rcpsp_schedule_feasible: True if a schedule can be deduced from permutation. False if it leads to incoherency preventing a schedule generation. Recomputed when schedule is (re)computed from permutation. standardised_permutation: Permutation deduced uniquely from schedule. If given, not recomputed. Can be different from `rcpsp_permutation` as different permutations can lead to same schedule. fast: boolean indicating if we us the fast functions to generate schedule from permutation. """ def __init__( self, problem: RCPSPModel, rcpsp_permutation: Optional[List[int]] = None, rcpsp_schedule: Optional[Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]]] = None, rcpsp_modes: Optional[List[int]] = None, rcpsp_schedule_feasible: bool = True, standardised_permutation: Optional[List[int]] = None, fast: bool = True, ): self.problem = problem self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible = rcpsp_schedule_feasible = fast self.rcpsp_modes: List[int] self.rcpsp_schedule: Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]] self.rcpsp_permutation: List[int] self.standardised_permutation: List[int] # init rcpsp_modes if rcpsp_modes is None: if self.problem.fixed_modes is not None: self.rcpsp_modes = self.problem.fixed_modes else: self.rcpsp_modes = [1 for i in range(self.problem.n_jobs_non_dummy)] else: self.rcpsp_modes = rcpsp_modes # init rcpsp_permutation if rcpsp_permutation is None: if rcpsp_schedule is None: if self.problem.fixed_permutation is not None: self.rcpsp_permutation = self.problem.fixed_permutation else: raise ValueError( "rcpsp_permutation and rcpsp_schedule can be None together " "only if problem.fixed_permutation is not None" ) else: self.rcpsp_schedule = rcpsp_schedule standardised_permutation = self.generate_permutation_from_schedule() self.rcpsp_permutation = deepcopy(standardised_permutation) else: self.rcpsp_permutation = rcpsp_permutation # init rcpsp_schedule if rcpsp_schedule is None: self.generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs( else: self.rcpsp_schedule = rcpsp_schedule # init standardised_permutation if standardised_permutation is None: self.standardised_permutation = self.generate_permutation_from_schedule() else: self.standardised_permutation = standardised_permutation # schedule already computed (prevent issues with __setattr__ hack) self._schedule_to_recompute = False
[docs] def change_problem(self, new_problem: RCPSPModel) -> None: # type: ignore # set problem self.problem = new_problem # recompute schedule and standardised permutation with respect to the new problem self.generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs( self.standardised_permutation = self.generate_permutation_from_schedule()
def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: super.__setattr__(self, key, value) if key == "rcpsp_permutation": self._schedule_to_recompute = True
[docs] def copy(self) -> "RCPSPSolution": return RCPSPSolution( problem=self.problem, rcpsp_permutation=deepcopy(self.rcpsp_permutation), rcpsp_modes=deepcopy(self.rcpsp_modes), rcpsp_schedule=deepcopy(self.rcpsp_schedule), rcpsp_schedule_feasible=self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible, standardised_permutation=self.standardised_permutation,, )
[docs] def lazy_copy(self) -> "RCPSPSolution": return RCPSPSolution( problem=self.problem, rcpsp_permutation=self.rcpsp_permutation, rcpsp_modes=self.rcpsp_modes, rcpsp_schedule=self.rcpsp_schedule, rcpsp_schedule_feasible=self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible, standardised_permutation=self.standardised_permutation,, )
def __str__(self) -> str: if self.rcpsp_schedule is None: sched_str = "None" else: sched_str = str(self.rcpsp_schedule) val = "RCPSP solution (rcpsp_schedule): " + sched_str return val
[docs] def generate_permutation_from_schedule(self) -> List[int]: sorted_task = [ self.problem.index_task_non_dummy[i] for i in sorted( self.rcpsp_schedule, key=lambda x: self.rcpsp_schedule[x]["start_time"] ) if i in self.problem.index_task_non_dummy ] return sorted_task
[docs] def compute_mean_resource_reserve(self, fast: bool = True) -> float: if not fast: return compute_mean_resource_reserve( solution=self, rcpsp_problem=self.problem ) else: if not self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible: return 0.0 last_activity = self.problem.sink_task makespan = self.rcpsp_schedule[last_activity]["end_time"] if max(self.rcpsp_modes) > self.problem.max_number_of_mode: # non existing modes return 0.0 else: return self.problem.compute_mean_resource( horizon=makespan, modes_array=np.array( self.problem.build_mode_array(self.rcpsp_modes) ) - 1, # permutation_task=array(task)->task index start_array=np.array( [ self.rcpsp_schedule[t]["start_time"] for t in self.problem.tasks_list ] ), end_array=np.array( [ self.rcpsp_schedule[t]["end_time"] for t in self.problem.tasks_list ] ), )
[docs] def generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs( self, do_fast: bool = True ) -> None: self._schedule_to_recompute = False if isinstance(self.problem, RobustProblem): self.rcpsp_schedule = {} self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible = True else: if do_fast: schedule: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]] if max(self.rcpsp_modes) > self.problem.max_number_of_mode: # non existing modes schedule, unfeasible = {}, True else: schedule, unfeasible = self.problem.func_sgs( permutation_task=permutation_do_to_permutation_sgs_fast( self.problem, self.rcpsp_permutation ), modes_array=np.array( self.problem.build_mode_array(self.rcpsp_modes) ) - 1, ) self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible = not unfeasible self.rcpsp_schedule = {} for k in schedule: self.rcpsp_schedule[self.problem.tasks_list[k]] = { "start_time": schedule[k][0], "end_time": schedule[k][1], } if self.problem.sink_task not in self.rcpsp_schedule: self.rcpsp_schedule[self.problem.sink_task] = { "start_time": 99999999, "end_time": 99999999, } else: ( self.rcpsp_schedule, self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible, ) = generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs( solution=self, rcpsp_problem=self.problem )
[docs] def generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs_2( self, current_t: int = 0, completed_tasks: Optional[Dict[Hashable, TaskDetails]] = None, scheduled_tasks_start_times: Optional[Dict[Hashable, int]] = None, do_fast: bool = True, ) -> None: if completed_tasks is None: completed_tasks = {} if scheduled_tasks_start_times is None: scheduled_tasks_start_times = {} if do_fast and not self.problem.do_special_constraints: schedule: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]] if max(self.rcpsp_modes) > self.problem.max_number_of_mode: # non existing modes schedule, unfeasible = {}, True else: schedule, unfeasible = self.problem.func_sgs_2( current_time=current_t, completed_task_indicator=np.array( [ 1 if self.problem.tasks_list[i] in completed_tasks else 0 for i in range(self.problem.n_jobs) ] ), completed_task_times=np.array( [ completed_tasks[self.problem.tasks_list[i]].end if self.problem.tasks_list[i] in completed_tasks else 0 for i in range(self.problem.n_jobs) ] ), scheduled_task=np.array( [ scheduled_tasks_start_times[self.problem.tasks_list[i]] if self.problem.tasks_list[i] in scheduled_tasks_start_times else -1 for i in range(self.problem.n_jobs) ] ), permutation_task=permutation_do_to_permutation_sgs_fast( self.problem, self.rcpsp_permutation ), modes_array=np.array( self.problem.build_mode_array(self.rcpsp_modes) ) - 1, ) self.rcpsp_schedule = {} for k in schedule: self.rcpsp_schedule[self.problem.tasks_list[k]] = { "start_time": schedule[k][0], "end_time": schedule[k][1], } if self.problem.sink_task not in self.rcpsp_schedule: self.rcpsp_schedule[self.problem.sink_task] = { "start_time": 999999999, "end_time": 999999999, } self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible = not unfeasible self._schedule_to_recompute = False else: if self.problem.do_special_constraints: ( self.rcpsp_schedule, self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible, ) = generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs_partial_schedule_specialized_constraints( solution=self, current_t=current_t, completed_tasks=completed_tasks, scheduled_tasks_start_times=scheduled_tasks_start_times, rcpsp_problem=self.problem, ) else: ( self.rcpsp_schedule, self.rcpsp_schedule_feasible, ) = generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs_partial_schedule( solution=self, current_t=current_t, completed_tasks=completed_tasks, scheduled_tasks_start_times=scheduled_tasks_start_times, rcpsp_problem=self.problem, ) self._schedule_to_recompute = False
[docs] def get_max_end_time(self) -> int: return max([self.get_end_time(x) for x in self.rcpsp_schedule])
[docs] def get_start_time(self, task: Hashable) -> int: return self.rcpsp_schedule[task]["start_time"]
[docs] def get_end_time(self, task: Hashable) -> int: return self.rcpsp_schedule[task]["end_time"]
[docs] def get_start_times_list(self, task: Hashable) -> List[int]: return [self.get_start_time(task)]
[docs] def get_end_times_list(self, task: Hashable) -> List[int]: return [self.get_end_time(task)]
[docs] def get_active_time(self, task: Hashable) -> List[int]: return list(range(self.get_start_time(task), self.get_end_time(task)))
[docs] def get_mode(self, task: Hashable) -> int: return self.rcpsp_modes[self.problem.index_task_non_dummy[task]]
def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((tuple(self.rcpsp_permutation), tuple(self.rcpsp_modes))) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, RCPSPSolution) and self.rcpsp_permutation == other.rcpsp_permutation and self.rcpsp_modes == other.rcpsp_modes )
[docs] def permutation_do_to_permutation_sgs_fast( rcpsp_problem: RCPSPModel, permutation_do: Iterable[int] ) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]: perm_extended = [ rcpsp_problem.index_task[rcpsp_problem.tasks_list_non_dummy[x]] for x in permutation_do ] perm_extended.insert(0, rcpsp_problem.index_task[rcpsp_problem.source_task]) perm_extended.append(rcpsp_problem.index_task[rcpsp_problem.sink_task]) return np.array(perm_extended, dtype=np.int_)
[docs] def generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs( solution: RCPSPSolution, rcpsp_problem: RCPSPModel ) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]], bool]: activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False new_horizon = rcpsp_problem.horizon resource_avail_in_time = {} for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list: if rcpsp_problem.is_varying_resource(): resource_avail_in_time[res] = rcpsp_problem.resources[res][ # type: ignore : new_horizon + 1 ] else: resource_avail_in_time[res] = np.full( new_horizon, rcpsp_problem.resources[res], dtype=np.int_ ).tolist() minimum_starting_time = {} for act in rcpsp_problem.tasks_list: minimum_starting_time[act] = 0 perm_extended = [ rcpsp_problem.tasks_list_non_dummy[x] for x in solution.rcpsp_permutation ] perm_extended.insert(0, rcpsp_problem.source_task) perm_extended.append(rcpsp_problem.sink_task) modes_dict = rcpsp_problem.build_mode_dict(solution.rcpsp_modes) for k in modes_dict: if modes_dict[k] not in rcpsp_problem.mode_details[k]: modes_dict[k] = 1 while len(perm_extended) > 0 and not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: for id_successor in perm_extended: respected = True for pred in rcpsp_problem.successors: if ( id_successor in rcpsp_problem.successors[pred] and pred in perm_extended ): respected = False break if respected: act_id = id_successor break # for act_id in perm_extended: current_min_time = minimum_starting_time[act_id] valid = False while not valid: valid = True for t in range( current_min_time, current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"], ): for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list: if ( rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]].get( res, 0 ) == 0 ): continue if t < new_horizon: if ( resource_avail_in_time[res][t] < rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]][ res ] ): valid = False else: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True if not valid: current_min_time += 1 if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: end_t = ( current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) for t in range(current_min_time, end_t): for res in resource_avail_in_time: if ( rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]].get( res, 0 ) == 0 ): continue resource_avail_in_time[res][t] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[ act_id ][modes_dict[act_id]][res] if res in rcpsp_problem.non_renewable_resources and t == end_t - 1: for tt in range(end_t, new_horizon): resource_avail_in_time[res][ tt ] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]][ res ] if resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t perm_extended.remove(act_id) for s in rcpsp_problem.successors[act_id]: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], activity_end_times[act_id] ) rcpsp_schedule: Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]] = {} for act_id in activity_end_times: rcpsp_schedule[act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["start_time"] = ( activity_end_times[act_id] - rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["end_time"] = activity_end_times[act_id] if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = False last_act_id = rcpsp_problem.sink_task if last_act_id not in rcpsp_schedule: rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["start_time"] = 99999999 rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["end_time"] = 9999999 else: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = True return rcpsp_schedule, rcpsp_schedule_feasible
[docs] def generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs_special_constraints( solution: RCPSPSolution, rcpsp_problem: RCPSPModel ) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]], bool]: activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False new_horizon = rcpsp_problem.horizon resource_avail_in_time = {} for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list: if rcpsp_problem.is_varying_resource(): resource_avail_in_time[res] = rcpsp_problem.resources[res][ # type: ignore : new_horizon + 1 ] else: resource_avail_in_time[res] = np.full( new_horizon, rcpsp_problem.resources[res], dtype=np.int_ ).tolist() minimum_starting_time = {} for act in rcpsp_problem.tasks_list: minimum_starting_time[act] = 0 if rcpsp_problem.do_special_constraints: if act in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.start_times_window: minimum_starting_time[act] = ( rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.start_times_window[act][0] # type: ignore if rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.start_times_window[act][0] is not None else 0 ) perm_extended = [ rcpsp_problem.tasks_list_non_dummy[x] for x in solution.rcpsp_permutation ] perm_extended.insert(0, rcpsp_problem.source_task) perm_extended.append(rcpsp_problem.sink_task) modes_dict = rcpsp_problem.build_mode_dict(solution.rcpsp_modes) def ressource_consumption( res: str, task: Hashable, duration: int, mode: int ) -> int: dur = rcpsp_problem.mode_details[task][mode]["duration"] if duration > dur: return 0 return rcpsp_problem.mode_details[task][mode].get(res, 0) for k in modes_dict: if modes_dict[k] not in rcpsp_problem.mode_details[k]: modes_dict[k] = 1 def look_for_task(perm: List[Hashable], ignore_sc: bool = False) -> List[Hashable]: act_ids = [] for task_id in perm: respected = True # Check all kind of precedence constraints.... for pred in rcpsp_problem.predecessors.get(task_id, {}): if pred in perm_extended: respected = False break if not ignore_sc: for ( pred ) in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end_reverse.get( task_id, {} ): if pred in perm_extended: respected = False break for ( pred ) in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end_offset_reverse.get( task_id, {} ): if pred in perm_extended: respected = False break for ( pred ) in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_after_nunit_reverse.get( task_id, {} ): if pred in perm_extended: respected = False break task_to_start_too = set() if respected: task_to_start_too = ( rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_together.get( task_id, set() ) ) if not ignore_sc: if len(task_to_start_too) > 0: if not all( s not in perm_extended for t in task_to_start_too for s in rcpsp_problem.predecessors[t] ): respected = False if respected: act_ids = [task_id] + list(task_to_start_too) break return act_ids while len(perm_extended) > 0 and not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: act_ids = look_for_task( [ k for k in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end_reverse if k in perm_extended ] ) act_ids = [] if len(act_ids) == 0: act_ids = look_for_task(perm_extended) if len(act_ids) == 0: act_ids = look_for_task(perm_extended, ignore_sc=True) current_min_time = max([minimum_starting_time[act_id] for act_id in act_ids]) max_duration = max( [ rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] for act_id in act_ids ] ) valid = False while not valid: valid = True for t in range(current_min_time, current_min_time + max_duration): for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list: r = sum( [ ressource_consumption( res=res, task=task, duration=t - current_min_time, mode=modes_dict[task], ) for task in act_ids ] ) if r == 0: continue if t < new_horizon: if resource_avail_in_time[res][t] < r: valid = False break else: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True if not valid: break if not valid: current_min_time += 1 if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: end_t = current_min_time + max_duration for t in range(current_min_time, current_min_time + max_duration): for res in resource_avail_in_time: r = sum( [ ressource_consumption( res=res, task=task, duration=t - current_min_time, mode=modes_dict[task], ) for task in act_ids ] ) resource_avail_in_time[res][t] -= r if res in rcpsp_problem.non_renewable_resources and t == end_t - 1: for tt in range(end_t, new_horizon): resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] -= r if resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True for act_id in act_ids: activity_end_times[act_id] = ( current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) perm_extended.remove(act_id) for s in rcpsp_problem.successors[act_id]: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], activity_end_times[act_id] ) for s in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end.get( act_id, {} ): minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], activity_end_times[act_id] ) for s in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_after_nunit.get( act_id, {} ): minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_after_nunit[ act_id ][s], ) for s in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end_offset.get( act_id, {} ): minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], activity_end_times[act_id] + rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end_offset[ act_id ][s], ) rcpsp_schedule: Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]] = {} for act_id in activity_end_times: rcpsp_schedule[act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["start_time"] = ( activity_end_times[act_id] - rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["end_time"] = activity_end_times[act_id] if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = False last_act_id = rcpsp_problem.sink_task if last_act_id not in rcpsp_schedule: rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["start_time"] = 99999999 rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["end_time"] = 9999999 else: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = True return rcpsp_schedule, rcpsp_schedule_feasible
[docs] def generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs_partial_schedule( solution: RCPSPSolution, rcpsp_problem: RCPSPModel, current_t: int, completed_tasks: Dict[Hashable, TaskDetails], scheduled_tasks_start_times: Dict[Hashable, int], ) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]], bool]: activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False new_horizon = rcpsp_problem.horizon resource_avail_in_time = {} for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list: if rcpsp_problem.is_varying_resource(): resource_avail_in_time[res] = rcpsp_problem.resources[res][ # type: ignore : new_horizon + 1 ] else: resource_avail_in_time[res] = np.full( new_horizon, rcpsp_problem.resources[res], dtype=np.int_ ).tolist() minimum_starting_time = {} for act in rcpsp_problem.tasks_list: if act in list(scheduled_tasks_start_times.keys()): minimum_starting_time[act] = scheduled_tasks_start_times[act] else: minimum_starting_time[act] = current_t perm_extended = [ rcpsp_problem.tasks_list_non_dummy[x] for x in solution.rcpsp_permutation ] perm_extended.insert(0, rcpsp_problem.source_task) perm_extended.append(rcpsp_problem.sink_task) modes_dict = rcpsp_problem.build_mode_dict(solution.rcpsp_modes) # Update current resource usage by the scheduled task (ongoing task, in practice) for act_id in scheduled_tasks_start_times: current_min_time = scheduled_tasks_start_times[act_id] end_t = ( current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) for t in range(current_min_time, end_t): for res in resource_avail_in_time: resource_avail_in_time[res][t] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][ modes_dict[act_id] ].get(res, 0) if res in rcpsp_problem.non_renewable_resources and t == end_t - 1: for tt in range(end_t, new_horizon): resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[ act_id ][modes_dict[act_id]].get(res, 0) if resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t perm_extended.remove(act_id) for s in rcpsp_problem.successors[act_id]: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], activity_end_times[act_id] ) perm_extended = [x for x in perm_extended if x not in list(completed_tasks)] # fix modes in case specified mode not in mode details for the activites for ac in modes_dict: if modes_dict[ac] not in rcpsp_problem.mode_details[ac]: modes_dict[ac] = 1 while len(perm_extended) > 0 and not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: # get first activity in perm with precedences respected for id_successor in perm_extended: respected = True for pred in rcpsp_problem.successors.keys(): if ( id_successor in rcpsp_problem.successors[pred] and pred in perm_extended ): respected = False break if respected: act_id = id_successor break current_min_time = minimum_starting_time[act_id] valid = False while not valid: valid = True for t in range( current_min_time, current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"], ): for res in resource_avail_in_time: if t < new_horizon: if resource_avail_in_time[res][t] < rcpsp_problem.mode_details[ act_id ][modes_dict[act_id]].get(res, 0): valid = False else: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True if not valid: current_min_time += 1 if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: end_t = ( current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) for t in range(current_min_time, end_t): for res in resource_avail_in_time: resource_avail_in_time[res][t] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[ act_id ][modes_dict[act_id]].get(res, 0) if res in rcpsp_problem.non_renewable_resources and t == end_t - 1: for tt in range(end_t + 1, new_horizon): resource_avail_in_time[res][ tt ] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][ modes_dict[act_id] ].get( res, 0 ) if resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t perm_extended.remove(act_id) for s in rcpsp_problem.successors[act_id]: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], activity_end_times[act_id] ) rcpsp_schedule: Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]] = {} for act_id in activity_end_times: rcpsp_schedule[act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["start_time"] = ( activity_end_times[act_id] - rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["end_time"] = activity_end_times[act_id] for act_id in completed_tasks: rcpsp_schedule[act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["start_time"] = completed_tasks[act_id].start rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["end_time"] = completed_tasks[act_id].end if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = False last_act_id = rcpsp_problem.sink_task if last_act_id not in rcpsp_schedule: rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["start_time"] = 99999999 rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["end_time"] = 9999999 else: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = True return rcpsp_schedule, rcpsp_schedule_feasible
[docs] def generate_schedule_from_permutation_serial_sgs_partial_schedule_specialized_constraints( solution: RCPSPSolution, rcpsp_problem: RCPSPModel, current_t: int, completed_tasks: Dict[Hashable, TaskDetails], scheduled_tasks_start_times: Dict[Hashable, int], ) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]], bool]: activity_end_times = {} unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = False new_horizon = rcpsp_problem.horizon resource_avail_in_time = {} for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list: if rcpsp_problem.is_varying_resource(): resource_avail_in_time[res] = rcpsp_problem.resources[res][ # type: ignore : new_horizon + 1 ] else: resource_avail_in_time[res] = np.full( new_horizon, rcpsp_problem.resources[res], dtype=np.int_ ).tolist() def ressource_consumption( res: str, task: Hashable, duration: int, mode: int ) -> int: dur = rcpsp_problem.mode_details[task][mode]["duration"] if duration > dur: return 0 return rcpsp_problem.mode_details[task][mode].get(res, 0) minimum_starting_time = {} for act in rcpsp_problem.tasks_list: if act in list(scheduled_tasks_start_times.keys()): minimum_starting_time[act] = scheduled_tasks_start_times[act] else: minimum_starting_time[act] = current_t if rcpsp_problem.do_special_constraints: if act in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.start_times_window: minimum_starting_time[act] = ( max( # type: ignore rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.start_times_window[act][0], minimum_starting_time[act], ) if rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.start_times_window[act][0] is not None else minimum_starting_time[act] ) perm_extended = [ rcpsp_problem.tasks_list_non_dummy[x] for x in solution.rcpsp_permutation ] perm_extended.insert(0, rcpsp_problem.source_task) perm_extended.append(rcpsp_problem.sink_task) modes_dict = rcpsp_problem.build_mode_dict(solution.rcpsp_modes) # Update current resource usage by the scheduled task (ongoing task, in practice) for act_id in scheduled_tasks_start_times: current_min_time = scheduled_tasks_start_times[act_id] end_t = ( current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) for t in range(current_min_time, end_t): for res in resource_avail_in_time: resource_avail_in_time[res][t] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][ modes_dict[act_id] ].get(res, 0) if res in rcpsp_problem.non_renewable_resources and t == end_t - 1: for tt in range(end_t, new_horizon): resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[ act_id ][modes_dict[act_id]].get(res, 0) if resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True activity_end_times[act_id] = end_t perm_extended.remove(act_id) for s in rcpsp_problem.successors[act_id]: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], activity_end_times[act_id] ) perm_extended = [x for x in perm_extended if x not in list(completed_tasks)] for ac in modes_dict: if modes_dict[ac] not in rcpsp_problem.mode_details[ac]: modes_dict[ac] = 1 while len(perm_extended) > 0 and not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: act_ids = [] for task_id in perm_extended: respected = True # Check all kind of precedence constraints.... for pred in rcpsp_problem.predecessors.get(task_id, {}): if pred in perm_extended: respected = False break for pred in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end_reverse.get( task_id, {} ): if pred in perm_extended: respected = False break for ( pred ) in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end_offset_reverse.get( task_id, {} ): if pred in perm_extended: respected = False break for ( pred ) in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_after_nunit_reverse.get( task_id, {} ): if pred in perm_extended: respected = False break task_to_start_too: List[Hashable] = [] if respected: task_to_start_too = [ k for k in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_together.get( task_id, set() ) if k in perm_extended ] if len(task_to_start_too) > 0: if not all( s not in perm_extended for t in task_to_start_too for s in rcpsp_problem.predecessors[t] ): respected = False if respected: act_ids = [task_id] + task_to_start_too break if len(act_ids) == 0: for task_id in perm_extended: respected = True # Check all kind of precedence constraints.... for pred in rcpsp_problem.predecessors.get(task_id, {}): if pred in perm_extended: respected = False break if respected: act_ids = [task_id] current_min_time = max([minimum_starting_time[act_id] for act_id in act_ids]) max_duration = max( [ rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] for act_id in act_ids ] ) valid = False while not valid: valid = True for t in range(current_min_time, current_min_time + max_duration): for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list: r = sum( [ ressource_consumption( res=res, task=task, duration=t - current_min_time, mode=modes_dict[task], ) for task in act_ids ] ) if r == 0: continue if t < new_horizon: if resource_avail_in_time[res][t] < r: valid = False break else: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True if not valid: break if not valid: current_min_time += 1 if not unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: end_t = current_min_time + max_duration for t in range(current_min_time, current_min_time + max_duration): for res in resource_avail_in_time: r = sum( [ ressource_consumption( res=res, task=task, duration=t - current_min_time, mode=modes_dict[task], ) for task in act_ids ] ) resource_avail_in_time[res][t] -= r if res in rcpsp_problem.non_renewable_resources and t == end_t - 1: for tt in range(end_t, new_horizon): resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] -= r if resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] < 0: unfeasible_non_renewable_resources = True for act_id in act_ids: activity_end_times[act_id] = ( current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) perm_extended.remove(act_id) for s in rcpsp_problem.successors[act_id]: minimum_starting_time[s] = max( minimum_starting_time[s], activity_end_times[act_id] ) for s in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end.get( act_id, {} ): minimum_starting_time[s] = activity_end_times[act_id] for s in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_after_nunit.get( act_id, {} ): minimum_starting_time[s] = ( current_min_time + rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_after_nunit[ act_id ][s] ) for s in rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end_offset.get( act_id, {} ): minimum_starting_time[s] = ( activity_end_times[act_id] + rcpsp_problem.special_constraints.dict_start_at_end_offset[ act_id ][s] ) rcpsp_schedule: Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, int]] = {} for act_id in activity_end_times: rcpsp_schedule[act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["start_time"] = ( activity_end_times[act_id] - rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][modes_dict[act_id]]["duration"] ) rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["end_time"] = activity_end_times[act_id] for act_id in completed_tasks: rcpsp_schedule[act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["start_time"] = completed_tasks[act_id].start rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["end_time"] = completed_tasks[act_id].end if unfeasible_non_renewable_resources: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = False last_act_id = rcpsp_problem.sink_task if last_act_id not in rcpsp_schedule: rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id] = {} rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["start_time"] = 99999999 rcpsp_schedule[last_act_id]["end_time"] = 9999999 else: rcpsp_schedule_feasible = True return rcpsp_schedule, rcpsp_schedule_feasible
[docs] def compute_mean_resource_reserve( solution: RCPSPSolution, rcpsp_problem: RCPSPModel ) -> float: if not solution.rcpsp_schedule_feasible: return 0.0 last_activity = rcpsp_problem.sink_task makespan = solution.rcpsp_schedule[last_activity]["end_time"] resource_avail_in_time = {} modes = rcpsp_problem.build_mode_dict(solution.rcpsp_modes) for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list: if rcpsp_problem.is_varying_resource(): resource_avail_in_time[res] = rcpsp_problem.resources[res][: makespan + 1] # type: ignore else: resource_avail_in_time[res] = np.full( makespan, rcpsp_problem.resources[res], dtype=np.int_ ).tolist() for act_id in rcpsp_problem.tasks_list: start_time = solution.rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["start_time"] end_time = solution.rcpsp_schedule[act_id]["end_time"] mode = modes[act_id] for t in range(start_time, end_time): for res in resource_avail_in_time: if rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][mode].get(res, 0) == 0: continue resource_avail_in_time[res][t] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[act_id][ mode ][res] if res in rcpsp_problem.non_renewable_resources and t == end_time: for tt in range(end_time, makespan): resource_avail_in_time[res][tt] -= rcpsp_problem.mode_details[ act_id ][mode][res] mean_avail = {} for res in resource_avail_in_time: mean_avail[res] = np.mean(resource_avail_in_time[res]) mean_resource_reserve = np.mean( [ mean_avail[res] / rcpsp_problem.get_max_resource_capacity(res) for res in rcpsp_problem.resources_list ] ) return float(mean_resource_reserve)
[docs] class PartialSolution: def __init__( self, task_mode: Optional[Dict[int, int]] = None, start_times: Optional[Dict[int, int]] = None, end_times: Optional[Dict[int, int]] = None, partial_permutation: Optional[List[int]] = None, list_partial_order: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, start_together: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None, start_at_end: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None, start_at_end_plus_offset: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int, int]]] = None, start_after_nunit: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int, int]]] = None, disjunctive_tasks: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None, start_times_window: Optional[Dict[Hashable, Tuple[int, int]]] = None, end_times_window: Optional[Dict[Hashable, Tuple[int, int]]] = None, ): self.task_mode = task_mode self.start_times = start_times self.end_times = end_times self.partial_permutation = partial_permutation self.list_partial_order = list_partial_order self.start_together = start_together self.start_at_end = start_at_end self.start_after_nunit = start_after_nunit self.start_at_end_plus_offset = start_at_end_plus_offset self.disjunctive_tasks = disjunctive_tasks self.start_times_window = start_times_window self.end_times_window = end_times_window
# one element in self.list_partial_order is a list [l1, l2, l3] # indicating that l1 should be started before l1, and l2 before l3 for example