Source code for discrete_optimization.rcpsp.mutations.mutation_rcpsp

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import random
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type

import numpy as np

from discrete_optimization.generic_rcpsp_tools.typing import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_mutation import LocalMove
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import TypeAttribute
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.mutations.mutation_util import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.mutations.permutation_mutations import (
from discrete_optimization.rcpsp.rcpsp_solution import RCPSPSolution

[docs] class PermutationMutationRCPSP(Mutation):
[docs] @staticmethod def build( problem: Problem, solution: Solution, other_mutation: Type[Mutation] = PermutationShuffleMutation, **kwargs: Any ) -> "PermutationMutationRCPSP": built_other_mutation =, solution, **kwargs) return PermutationMutationRCPSP( problem, solution, other_mutation=built_other_mutation )
def __init__(self, problem: Problem, solution: Solution, other_mutation: Mutation): self.problem = problem self.solution = solution self.other_mutation = other_mutation
[docs] def mutate(self, solution: RCPSPSolution) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove]: # type: ignore s: RCPSPSolution s, lm = self.other_mutation.mutate(solution) # type: ignore try: s.standardised_permutation = s.generate_permutation_from_schedule() # type: ignore s._schedule_to_recompute = True except: s._schedule_to_recompute = True return s, lm
[docs] def mutate_and_compute_obj( # type: ignore self, solution: RCPSPSolution ) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove, Dict[str, float]]: s: RCPSPSolution s, lm, fit = self.other_mutation.mutate_and_compute_obj(solution) # type: ignore try: s._schedule_to_recompute = True s.standardised_permutation = s.generate_permutation_from_schedule() # type: ignore except: s._schedule_to_recompute = True return s, lm, fit
[docs] class DeadlineMutationRCPSP(Mutation): def __init__( self, problem: ANY_RCPSP, solution: ANY_SOLUTION, attribute: Optional[str] = None, nb_swap: int = 1, ): self.problem = problem self.nb_swap = nb_swap register = solution.get_attribute_register(problem) if attribute is None: self.attribute = get_attribute_for_type(register, TypeAttribute.PERMUTATION) else: self.attribute = attribute self.length = len(register.dict_attribute_to_type[self.attribute]["range"]) try: self.full_predecessors = self.problem.graph.ancestors_map() # type: ignore except: pass
[docs] def mutate(self, solution: ANY_SOLUTION) -> Tuple[ANY_SOLUTION, LocalMove]: # type: ignore if not is_instance_any_rcpsp_solution(solution): raise ValueError("solution must be an rcsp solution (of any kind)") if "special_constraints" in self.problem.__dict__.keys(): ls = [ ( t, solution.get_end_time(t) - self.problem.special_constraints.end_times_window[t][1], ) for t in self.problem.special_constraints.end_times_window if self.problem.special_constraints.end_times_window[t][1] is not None and solution.get_end_time(t) > self.problem.special_constraints.end_times_window[t][1] ] if len(ls) > 0: x = random.choice(ls) t = x[0] pred = [tt for tt in self.full_predecessors[t]] + [t] previous = list(getattr(solution, self.attribute)) new = [ self.problem.index_task_non_dummy[tt] for tt in pred if tt in self.problem.index_task_non_dummy ] for x in previous: if x not in new: new += [x] sol = solution.lazy_copy() setattr(sol, self.attribute, new) return ( sol, ShuffleMove( self.attribute, new_permutation=new, prev_permutation=previous, ), ) swaps = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.length - 1, size=(1, 2)) move = SwapsLocalMove( self.attribute, [(swaps[i, 0], swaps[i, 1]) for i in range(1)] ) next_sol = move.apply_local_move(solution) return next_sol, move
[docs] def mutate_and_compute_obj( self, solution: Solution ) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove, Dict[str, float]]: if not is_instance_any_rcpsp_solution(solution): raise ValueError("solution must be an rcsp solution (of any kind)") sol: ANY_SOLUTION sol, move = self.mutate(solution) #  type: ignore obj = self.problem.evaluate(sol) return sol, move, obj
[docs] @staticmethod def build( problem: Problem, solution: Solution, **kwargs: Any ) -> "DeadlineMutationRCPSP": if not is_instance_any_rcpsp_solution(solution): raise ValueError("solution must be an rcsp solution (of any kind)") if not is_instance_any_rcpsp_problem(problem): raise ValueError("solution must be an rcsp problem (of any kind)") return DeadlineMutationRCPSP(problem=problem, solution=solution) # type: ignore