Source code for discrete_optimization.knapsack.solvers.greedy_solvers

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_solver import ResultStorage
from discrete_optimization.knapsack.knapsack_model import (
from discrete_optimization.knapsack.solvers.knapsack_solver import SolverKnapsack

[docs] def compute_density(knapsack_model: KnapsackModel) -> List[Item]: dd = sorted( [ l for l in knapsack_model.list_items if l.weight <= knapsack_model.max_capacity ], key=lambda x: x.value / x.weight, reverse=True, ) return dd
[docs] def compute_density_and_penalty(knapsack_model: KnapsackModel) -> List[Item]: dd = sorted( [ l for l in knapsack_model.list_items if l.weight <= knapsack_model.max_capacity ], key=lambda x: x.value / x.weight - x.weight, reverse=True, ) return dd
[docs] def greedy_using_queue( knapsack_model: KnapsackModel, method_queue: Optional[Callable[[KnapsackModel], List[Item]]] = None, ) -> KnapsackSolution: if method_queue is None: method_queue = compute_density value = 0.0 weight = 0.0 taken = [0] * knapsack_model.nb_items sorted_per_density = method_queue(knapsack_model) for i in range(len(sorted_per_density)): if sorted_per_density[i].weight + weight <= knapsack_model.max_capacity: taken[knapsack_model.index_to_index_list[sorted_per_density[i].index]] = 1 value += sorted_per_density[i].value weight += sorted_per_density[i].weight else: continue return KnapsackSolution( problem=knapsack_model, value=value, weight=weight, list_taken=taken )
[docs] def best_of_greedy(knapsack_model: KnapsackModel) -> KnapsackSolution: result1 = greedy_using_queue(knapsack_model, compute_density) result2 = greedy_using_queue(knapsack_model, compute_density_and_penalty) if result1.value is None or result2.value is None: raise RuntimeError( "result1.value and result2.value should not be None at this point." ) return result1 if result1.value > result2.value else result2
[docs] class GreedyBest(SolverKnapsack):
[docs] def solve(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ResultStorage: res = best_of_greedy(self.problem) fit = self.aggreg_from_sol(res) return ResultStorage( list_solution_fits=[(res, fit)], best_solution=res, mode_optim=self.params_objective_function.sense_function, )
[docs] class GreedyDummy(SolverKnapsack):
[docs] def solve(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ResultStorage: sol = KnapsackSolution( problem=self.problem, value=0, weight=0, list_taken=[0] * self.problem.nb_items, ) fit = self.aggreg_from_sol(sol) return ResultStorage( list_solution_fits=[(sol, fit)], best_solution=sol, mode_optim=self.params_objective_function.sense_function, )