Source code for discrete_optimization.generic_tools.result_storage.result_storage

#  Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
#  This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
#  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import random
from heapq import heapify, heappush, heappushpop, nlargest, nsmallest
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import (

fitness_class = Union[float, TupleFitness]

[docs] class ResultStorage: list_solution_fits: List[Tuple[Solution, fitness_class]] best_solution: Optional[Solution] map_solutions: Dict[Solution, fitness_class] def __init__( self, list_solution_fits: List[Tuple[Solution, fitness_class]], best_solution: Optional[Solution] = None, mode_optim: ModeOptim = ModeOptim.MAXIMIZATION, limit_store: bool = True, nb_best_store: int = 1000, ): self.list_solution_fits = list_solution_fits self.best_solution = best_solution self.mode_optim = mode_optim self.maximize = mode_optim == ModeOptim.MAXIMIZATION self.size_heap = 0 self.heap: List[fitness_class] = [] self.limit_store = limit_store self.nb_best_score = nb_best_store self.map_solutions = {} for i in range(len(self.list_solution_fits)): if self.list_solution_fits[i][0] not in self.map_solutions: self.map_solutions[ self.list_solution_fits[i][0] ] = self.list_solution_fits[i][1] heappush(self.heap, self.list_solution_fits[i][1]) self.size_heap += 1 if self.size_heap >= self.nb_best_score and self.limit_store: self.heap = ( nsmallest(self.nb_best_score, self.heap) if not self.maximize else nlargest(self.nb_best_score, self.heap) ) heapify(self.heap) self.size_heap = self.nb_best_score if len(self.heap) > 0: self.min = min(self.heap) self.max = max(self.heap) if self.best_solution is None: f = min if not self.maximize else max self.best_solution = f(self.list_solution_fits, key=lambda x: x[1])[0] else: self.min = None self.max = None @property def best_fit(self): if self.maximize: return self.max else: return self.min
[docs] def add_solution(self, solution: Solution, fitness: fitness_class) -> None: self.list_solution_fits += [(solution, fitness)] if solution not in self.map_solutions: self.map_solutions[solution] = fitness if self.max is None or self.min is None: # first solution ever added self.max = fitness self.min = fitness self.best_solution = solution if self.size_heap >= self.nb_best_score and self.limit_store: heappushpop(self.heap, fitness) else: heappush(self.heap, fitness) self.size_heap += 1 else: # solutions already existed if ( self.maximize and fitness > self.max or (not self.maximize and fitness < self.min) ): self.best_solution = solution if ( self.maximize and fitness >= self.min or (not self.maximize and fitness <= self.max) ): if self.size_heap >= self.nb_best_score and self.limit_store: heappushpop(self.heap, fitness) self.min = min(fitness, self.min) self.max = max(fitness, self.max) else: heappush(self.heap, fitness) self.size_heap += 1 self.min = min(fitness, self.min) self.max = max(fitness, self.max)
[docs] def finalize(self) -> None: self.heap = sorted(self.heap, reverse=self.maximize)
[docs] def get_best_solution_fit( self, ) -> Union[Tuple[Solution, fitness_class], Tuple[None, None]]: if len(self.list_solution_fits) == 0: return None, None f = max if self.maximize else min return f(self.list_solution_fits, key=lambda x: x[1])
[docs] def get_last_best_solution(self) -> Tuple[Solution, fitness_class]: f = max if self.maximize else min best = f(self.list_solution_fits, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] sol = max( [ i for i in range(len(self.list_solution_fits)) if self.list_solution_fits[i][1] == best ] ) return self.list_solution_fits[sol]
[docs] def get_random_best_solution(self) -> Tuple[Solution, fitness_class]: f = max if self.maximize else min best = f(self.list_solution_fits, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] sol = random.choice( [ i for i in range(len(self.list_solution_fits)) if self.list_solution_fits[i][1] == best ] ) return self.list_solution_fits[sol]
[docs] def get_random_solution(self) -> Tuple[Solution, fitness_class]: s = [ l for l in self.list_solution_fits if l[1] != self.get_best_solution_fit()[1] ] if len(s) > 0: return random.choice(s) else: return random.choice(self.list_solution_fits)
[docs] def get_best_solution(self) -> Optional[Solution]: f = max if self.maximize else min if len(self.list_solution_fits) == 0: return None return f(self.list_solution_fits, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
[docs] def get_n_best_solution( self, n_solutions: int ) -> List[Tuple[Solution, fitness_class]]: f = max if self.maximize else min n = min(n_solutions, len(self.list_solution_fits)) l = sorted(self.list_solution_fits, key=lambda x: x[1])[:n] return l
[docs] def remove_duplicate_solutions(self, var_name: str) -> None: index_to_remove = [] for i in range(len(self.list_solution_fits) - 1): sol1 = getattr(self.list_solution_fits[i][0], var_name) for j in range(i + 1, len(self.list_solution_fits)): sol2 = getattr(self.list_solution_fits[j][0], var_name) all_similar = True for k in range(len(sol1)): if sol1[k] != sol2[k]: all_similar = False break if all_similar: if j not in index_to_remove: index_to_remove.append(j) self.list_solution_fits = [ self.list_solution_fits[i] for i in range(len(self.list_solution_fits)) if i not in index_to_remove ]
[docs] def merge_results_storage( result_1: ResultStorage, result_2: ResultStorage ) -> ResultStorage: return ResultStorage( result_1.list_solution_fits + result_2.list_solution_fits, mode_optim=result_1.mode_optim, )
[docs] def from_solutions_to_result_storage( list_solution: List[Solution], problem: Problem, params_objective_function: Optional[ParamsObjectiveFunction] = None, ) -> ResultStorage: if params_objective_function is None: params_objective_function = get_default_objective_setup(problem) mode_optim = params_objective_function.sense_function ( aggreg_from_sol, aggreg_from_dict, params_objective_function, ) = build_aggreg_function_and_params_objective( problem=problem, params_objective_function=params_objective_function ) list_solution_fit: List[Tuple[Solution, fitness_class]] = [] for s in list_solution: list_solution_fit += [(s, aggreg_from_sol(s))] return ResultStorage( list_solution_fits=list_solution_fit, mode_optim=mode_optim, )
[docs] def result_storage_to_pareto_front( result_storage: ResultStorage, problem: Optional[Problem] = None ) -> "ParetoFront": list_solution_fits = result_storage.list_solution_fits if problem is not None: list_solution_fits = [ (solution, problem.evaluate_mobj(solution)) for solution, _ in list_solution_fits ] pf = ParetoFront( list_solution_fits=list_solution_fits, best_solution=None, mode_optim=result_storage.mode_optim, limit_store=result_storage.limit_store, nb_best_store=result_storage.nb_best_score, ) pf.finalize() return pf
[docs] class ParetoFront(ResultStorage): def __init__( self, list_solution_fits: List[Tuple[Solution, fitness_class]], best_solution: Optional[Solution], mode_optim: ModeOptim = ModeOptim.MAXIMIZATION, limit_store: bool = True, nb_best_store: int = 1000, ): super().__init__( list_solution_fits=list_solution_fits, best_solution=best_solution, mode_optim=mode_optim, limit_store=limit_store, nb_best_store=nb_best_store, ) self.paretos: List[Tuple[Solution, TupleFitness]] = []
[docs] def add_point(self, solution: Solution, tuple_fitness: TupleFitness) -> None: if self.maximize: if all(tuple_fitness >= t[1] for t in self.paretos): self.paretos += [(solution, tuple_fitness)] pp = [] for p in self.paretos: if p[1] < tuple_fitness: continue else: pp += [p] self.paretos = pp if not self.maximize: if all(tuple_fitness <= t[1] for t in self.paretos): self.paretos += [(solution, tuple_fitness)] pp = [] for p in self.paretos: if p[1] > tuple_fitness: continue else: pp += [p] self.paretos = pp
[docs] def len_pareto_front(self) -> int: return len(self.paretos)
[docs] def finalize(self) -> None: super().finalize() self.paretos = [] for s, t in self.list_solution_fits: if not isinstance(t, TupleFitness): raise RuntimeError( "self.list_solution_fits must be a list of tuple[Solution, TupleFitness] " "for a Pareto front." ) self.add_point(solution=s, tuple_fitness=t)
[docs] def compute_extreme_points(self) -> List[Tuple[Solution, TupleFitness]]: function_used = max if self.maximize else min number_fitness = self.list_solution_fits[0][1].size # type: ignore extreme_points: List[Tuple[Solution, TupleFitness]] = [] for i in range(number_fitness): extr: Tuple[Solution, TupleFitness] = function_used(self.paretos, key=lambda x: x[1].vector_fitness[i]) # type: ignore extreme_points += [extr] return extreme_points
[docs] def plot_storage_2d( result_storage: ResultStorage, name_axis: List[str], ax: Any = None, color: str = "r", ) -> None: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) # Specify for mypy that we should be in the multiobjective case list_solution_fits = cast( List[Tuple[Solution, TupleFitness]], result_storage.list_solution_fits ) ax.scatter( x=[p[1].vector_fitness[0] for p in list_solution_fits], y=[p[1].vector_fitness[1] for p in list_solution_fits], color=color, ) ax.set_xlabel(name_axis[0]) ax.set_ylabel(name_axis[1])
[docs] def plot_pareto_2d( pareto_front: ParetoFront, name_axis: List[str], ax: Any = None, color: str = "b" ) -> Any: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.scatter( x=[p[1].vector_fitness[0] for p in pareto_front.paretos], y=[p[1].vector_fitness[1] for p in pareto_front.paretos], color=color, ) ax.set_xlabel(name_axis[0]) ax.set_ylabel(name_axis[1])
[docs] def plot_fitness( result_storage: ResultStorage, ax: Any = None, color: str = "b", title: str = "" ) -> Any: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.set_title(title) ax.plot([x[1] for x in result_storage.list_solution_fits], color=color) ax.set_xlabel("Solution number") ax.set_ylabel("Fitness")