# Copyright (c) 2022 AIRBUS and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import random
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_mutation import LocalMove, Mutation
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.do_problem import (
from discrete_optimization.generic_tools.mutations.mutation_util import (
class ShuffleMove(LocalMove):
def __init__(
attribute: str,
new_permutation: Union[List[int], np.ndarray],
prev_permutation: Union[List[int], np.ndarray],
self.attribute = attribute
self.permutation = new_permutation
self.prev_permutation = prev_permutation
def apply_local_move(self, solution: Solution) -> Solution:
setattr(solution, self.attribute, self.permutation)
return solution
def backtrack_local_move(self, solution: Solution) -> Solution:
setattr(solution, self.attribute, self.prev_permutation)
return solution
class PermutationShuffleMutation(Mutation):
def build(
problem: Problem, solution: Solution, **kwargs: Any
) -> "PermutationShuffleMutation":
return PermutationShuffleMutation(problem, solution)
def __init__(
self, problem: Problem, solution: Solution, attribute: Optional[str] = None
self.problem = problem
register = solution.get_attribute_register(problem)
if attribute is None:
self.attribute = get_attribute_for_type(register, TypeAttribute.PERMUTATION)
self.attribute = attribute
self.range_shuffle = register.dict_attribute_to_type[self.attribute]["range"]
self.range_int = list(range(len(self.range_shuffle)))
def mutate(self, solution: Solution) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove]:
previous = list(getattr(solution, self.attribute))
new = [previous[i] for i in self.range_int]
sol = solution.lazy_copy()
setattr(sol, self.attribute, new)
return (
ShuffleMove(self.attribute, new_permutation=new, prev_permutation=previous),
def mutate_and_compute_obj(
self, solution: Solution
) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove, Dict[str, float]]:
sol, move = self.mutate(solution)
obj = self.problem.evaluate(sol)
return sol, move, obj
class PermutationPartialShuffleMutation(Mutation):
def build(
problem: Problem, solution: Solution, **kwargs: Any
) -> "PermutationPartialShuffleMutation":
return PermutationPartialShuffleMutation(
attribute=kwargs.get("attribute", None),
proportion=kwargs.get("proportion", 0.3),
def __init__(
problem: Problem,
solution: Solution,
attribute: Optional[str] = None,
proportion: float = 0.3,
self.problem = problem
register = solution.get_attribute_register(problem)
if attribute is None:
self.attribute = get_attribute_for_type(register, TypeAttribute.PERMUTATION)
self.attribute = attribute
self.range_shuffle = register.dict_attribute_to_type[self.attribute]["range"]
self.n_to_move = int(proportion * len(self.range_shuffle))
self.range_int = list(range(self.n_to_move))
self.range_int_total = list(range(len(self.range_shuffle)))
def mutate(self, solution: Solution) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove]:
previous = deepcopy(getattr(solution, self.attribute))
int_to_move = self.range_int_total[: self.n_to_move]
new = getattr(solution, self.attribute)
for k in range(self.n_to_move):
new[int_to_move[k]] = previous[int_to_move[self.range_int[k]]]
sol = solution.lazy_copy()
setattr(sol, self.attribute, new)
return sol, ShuffleMove(self.attribute, new, previous)
def mutate_and_compute_obj(
self, solution: Solution
) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove, Dict[str, float]]:
sol, move = self.mutate(solution)
obj = self.problem.evaluate(sol)
return sol, move, obj
class SwapsLocalMove(LocalMove):
def __init__(self, attribute: str, list_index_swap: List[Tuple[int, int]]):
self.attribute = attribute
self.list_index_swap = list_index_swap
def apply_local_move(self, solution: Solution) -> Solution:
current = getattr(solution, self.attribute)
for i1, i2 in self.list_index_swap:
v1, v2 = current[i1], current[i2]
current[i1], current[i2] = v2, v1
return solution
def backtrack_local_move(self, solution: Solution) -> Solution:
current = getattr(solution, self.attribute)
for i1, i2 in self.list_index_swap:
v1, v2 = current[i1], current[i2]
current[i1], current[i2] = v2, v1
return solution
class PermutationSwap(Mutation):
def build(problem: Problem, solution: Solution, **kwargs: Any) -> "PermutationSwap":
return PermutationSwap(
attribute=kwargs.get("attribute", None),
nb_swap=kwargs.get("nb_swap", 1),
def __init__(
problem: Problem,
solution: Solution,
attribute: Optional[str] = None,
nb_swap: int = 1,
self.problem = problem
self.nb_swap = nb_swap
register = solution.get_attribute_register(problem)
if attribute is None:
self.attribute = get_attribute_for_type(register, TypeAttribute.PERMUTATION)
self.attribute = attribute
self.length = len(register.dict_attribute_to_type[self.attribute]["range"])
def mutate(self, solution: Solution) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove]:
swaps = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.length - 1, size=(self.nb_swap, 2))
move = SwapsLocalMove(
self.attribute, [(swaps[i, 0], swaps[i, 1]) for i in range(self.nb_swap)]
next_sol = move.apply_local_move(solution)
return next_sol, move
def mutate_and_compute_obj(
self, solution: Solution
) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove, Dict[str, float]]:
sol, move = self.mutate(solution)
obj = self.problem.evaluate(sol)
return sol, move, obj
class TwoOptMove(LocalMove):
def __init__(self, attribute: str, index_2opt: List[Tuple[int, int]]):
self.attribute = attribute
self.index_2opt = index_2opt
def apply_local_move(self, solution: Solution) -> Solution:
current = getattr(solution, self.attribute)
for i, j in self.index_2opt:
current = current[:i] + current[i : j + 1][::-1] + current[j + 1 :]
setattr(solution, self.attribute, current)
return solution
def backtrack_local_move(self, solution: Solution) -> Solution:
current = getattr(solution, self.attribute)
for i, j in self.index_2opt[::-1]:
current = current[:i] + current[i : j + 1][::-1] + current[j + 1 :]
setattr(solution, self.attribute, current)
return solution
class TwoOptMutation(Mutation):
def build(problem: Problem, solution: Solution, **kwargs: Any) -> "TwoOptMutation":
return TwoOptMutation(
problem, solution, attribute=kwargs.get("attribute", None)
def __init__(
self, problem: Problem, solution: Solution, attribute: Optional[str] = None
self.problem = problem
register = solution.get_attribute_register(problem)
if attribute is None:
self.attribute = get_attribute_for_type(register, TypeAttribute.PERMUTATION)
self.attribute = attribute
self.length = len(register.dict_attribute_to_type[self.attribute]["range"])
def mutate(self, solution: Solution) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove]:
i = random.randint(0, self.length - 2)
j = random.randint(i + 1, self.length - 1)
two_opt_move = TwoOptMove(self.attribute, [(i, j)])
new_sol = two_opt_move.apply_local_move(solution)
return new_sol, two_opt_move
def mutate_and_compute_obj(
self, solution: Solution
) -> Tuple[Solution, LocalMove, Dict[str, float]]:
sol, move = self.mutate(solution)
obj = self.problem.evaluate(sol)
return sol, move, obj